From Logroño to Ventosa (20km)

187km walked
626km to Santiago

Day #10 When leaving Logroño this was the view we were offered! Sometimes, looking back is worth while!

The path that leads the pilgrims out of Logroño is green, pleasant and quiet. What more could we ask?
Walking along the Grajera dam was one of the highlights of this stage.
A very relaxing green area surrounds the dam. Excellent for birdwatching, trecking and even fishing. "Fish dont't bite a lot," we were told, "but who cares? It's relaxing!"
This is La Rioja: green vineyards and red soil...
Or should we say "red rocky gravel"? It's amazing how nature takes form, even in the hardest of conditions!
A rusty fence "embroidered" with thousands and thousands of crosses improvised by the pilgrims. We couldn't help adding to the number.
Navarrete on the background, that's why we're wearing such broad smiles: time for a rest!
Just before entering Navarrete, we came across the ruins of the San Juan de Acre Pilgrims' Hospital (1185).
The Iglesia de l'Asunción and its gold-plated altarpiece in Navarrete has left quite an impression on Ana.
The looming skies... Time to hurry our pace if we wanted to reach Ventosa in dry clothes.
Our arrival at Ventosa... in soaking wet clothes! We didn't make it without a heavy rainfall coming down our shoulders after all, but we were glad we had finally made it to our stage's destination. 

The albergue that would shelter us on this windy night!

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